
Bertha Vögeli (1861-)

Bertha Vögeli (*06.07.1861 Zürich, + nach 1922) war die jüngere Schwester von Emma Vögeli (1859-1914). Beiden waren seit 1901 mit dem Ehepaar Bertha und Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen befreundet und verbrachten mehrmals die Ferien gemeinsam (in Pontresina, Karersee und am Comer See). Bertha Vögeli nahm zahlreiche Fotografien dieser Reisen auf, die oft auch W.C. Röntgen zeigen.

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Bertha Vögeli (1861-)
Was depicted (Actor) / [Relation to person or institution] Emma Vögeli (1859-1914) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Arthur von Hippel (1841-1916) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Eugen von Hippel (1867-1939) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Julius Tafel (1862-1918) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Maria von Hippel (1874-1944) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Richard von Hippel (1869-1918) ()

[Relation to person or institution] Bertha Vögeli (1861-)
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Emma Vögeli (1859-1914) ()